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대한수술중신경계감시학회 제2회 온라인 연수강좌
일시 2020-09-05
장소 온라인

대한수술중신경계감시학회 제2회 온라인 연수강좌


What will happen to this patient after surgery? this patient after surgery? - predictive values of diverse intraoperative neurophysiologic changes for postoperative outcomes


◆일시: 2020년 9월 5일(토) 12시 50분 ~ 16시15분 

◆장소: 온라인



12:50-13:00Opening remark서대원회장
13:00-13:30IONM for adult spinal surgery and postoperative outcomes박진영강남세브란스병원 재활의학과
13:30-13:45Interesting case presentation: IONM - postoperative outcomes matched 혹은 mismatched cases정석영강남세브란스병원
13:45-14:15IONM for brain tumor surgery and postoperative outcomes서한길서울대학교병원 재활의학과
14:15-14:30Interesting case presentation: IONM - postoperative outcomes matched 혹은 mismatched cases최영두서울대학교병원 
14:30-14:40  휴식
14:40-15:10IONM for vascular surgery and postoperative outcomes권영남은평성모병원 신경과
15:10-15:25Interesting case presentation: IONM - postoperative outcomes matched 혹은 mismatched cases김진아서울대학교병원 
15:25-15:55IONM for posterior fossa surgery and postoperative outcomes주병억순천향대학교 신경과
15:55-16:10Interesting case presentation: IONM - postoperative outcomes matched 혹은 mismatched cases박상구 건국대병원 
16:10-16:15Closing remark서대원회장